How can we forget (or better still, remember) 12-12-12!

ImageWelcome to December 12, 2012 (12-12-12), which is either lucky or end of the world (for some souls tired of living). Today’s date is considered auspicious by some, doomed by others, and just plain easy to remember by many. The number certainly holds significance in human existence through the millennia, a fact of which there is indisputable evidence if you consider the following:

Apart from there being 12 hours of day and night, and 12 months in the year in the Roman calendar, there are 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 Apostles, 12 days of Christmas, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 old testament prophet and 12-year cycle of animals in the Chinese calendar, and maybe a dozen others more but were ejected by my memory.

Still others say the day symbolizes love, completeness or fulfillment. For me, it just came to my mind as one good silly thing to blog about to somehow perpetuate its prominence down memory lane. Just like most of us, I have no other interpretation of this audacious day other than its being audacious.

From my corner of the world, many had opted to have their wedding day today (December 12, 2012) for whatever significance this day may bring in addition to the amazing and perfect alignment of numbers in a date.  I was almost tempted to join the fray 😛 (My son chose 11-11-11 for his wedding day which was also his birthday and their so-called anniversary as sweethearts. Each two-digit number has a romantic meaning for them!).

Oh LOVE so powerful; you roll over on anything if only to have your way”. This is one of my favorite lines from a poem.

To the Mayans, this is a doomed day. The Mayan calendar ends on this day (or more precisely on Dec. 21, 2012) and it was their belief that the world is going to end that day. However, the Mayans is not the only culture who had given predictions of doomsday. We have heard of quite a number before.

Chinese astrology, though, has a more inspiring interpretation or connotation for this audacious day. The number 12 brings harmony to the yin and yang of Chinese numerology: The number one is a yang number ruled by the sun, while two is a yin number ruled by the moon (Sourced from Google).

Anyway, on the more personal note 12-12-12 probably was the most memorable day in my blogging or blogged (read hooked to blogging) life. It was on this day:

–        that I shed tears while reading a post which to me was very touching;

–        that I received the most audacious Christmas gift from a favorite classmate even as  Christmas was not in the Muslim tradition; and

–        that my blog hits suddenly catapulted to 403 in a day; for a blog site that receives an average of more or less a hundred per day, this was like hitting the freshly pressed by chance; (triggered by my posts “Kathryn’s Story and Freshly Pressed”, and “Reply to Letter to Santa Claus” – consistently my top post for the past several weeks).

Still for a lot of people 12-12-12 is simply incidental and no different from their ordinary days while to some unmindfuls this audacious day just slipped past their consciousness.

But for me, 12-12-12 means 12 good reasons to be happy, 12 different ways to think of others especially the less fortunate brethren, and 12 times more to be grateful to the Good Lord for all the blessings He continues to mete out to each one of us.

May the spirit of the yuletide season leave its imprints in your daily lives throughout the years to come and may the new year brings you new and fresh opportunities to continue to commune with the Lord.

“From Him we come, to Him shall we return” (The Holy Bible and Holy Koran).

About Maxim Sense

I hope to write for a cause someday but for now all I wanted really is to write for a cost and I haven't started yet, or better still, nobody wants to pay me :-)
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14 Responses to How can we forget (or better still, remember) 12-12-12!

  1. “But for me, 12-12-12 means 12 good reasons to be happy, 12 different ways to think of others especially the less fortunate brethren, and 12 times more to be grateful to the Good Lord for all the blessings He continues to mete out to each one of us.” This spoke to me because I’m not one to place much importance on dates unless something memorable happened to me on that particular day. I think I too will follow your lead and focus on your 12 positives 12 x over! 🙂


    • maxim sense says:

      Hi there littlemisswordy. You got me in there – “12 positives 12 x over!” 🙂 . I don’t quite understand why some few cultures would connect some amazing numbers to some doomsday thoughts. Seems like they’re not happy with themselves.

      Thank you my friend for taking time for this comment which I’m sure you hadn’t hesitated 12X ever before you did it 🙂


  2. terry1954 says:

    on the lighter side, the more I read the number 12, I had to wonder if the best day of my life was when I was 12. Developing into a young lady, exploring opportunities the world had to offer. Am I now in the latest stages of life as I near 60 years old…………….12, it forms a pucker from your lips as it forms its way out of your mouth. Nothing happened to us on this 12/12/12. I guess I will keep practicing to be a better human being as I nudge closer to 12/21/12. Thank you for a great blog!


    • maxim sense says:

      I am so delighted to see you here Terry – the gorgeous lady who had touched my life forever with that Kathryn’s story.

      And oh no, You don’t think of 12, and besides, nearing 60 is not twilight years for a very happy and contented person like you. Indeed, all of us should strive to become better human beings through loving and sharing. I’d like to think this is the essence of being humans. Thank you Terry, thank you my friend.


  3. Come on — I was the 121212 birthday girl that Vera mentioned in the broad day light. Birthday was never a big thing in my family (or in any old fashioned, traditional Chinese family). We never made a fuss about it as a child (my mum has 8 children), and no one would make a big fuss. However. I remembered my mum used to cook me some soup noodles with eggs in (hard boiled eggs). Noodles and eggs are supposed to mean longevity and fortune and you are not supposed to cut the noodles off. More commonly, birthdays are ‘celebrated’ with family only, not usually with friends. Birthday is/was more of a traditional family event, not a social event. Things may have changed now though.


    • maxim sense says:

      Incidentally, noodles with hard-boiled eggs, is still (one of) my favourite soup till now. And yes Janet, I came over on your blog to greet you happy birthday, and though belated, I’ll say it again here: happy birthday Janet and wish you many, many more happy birthdays to come.

      And yes, I might say too that Chinese and Muslims have the same conservative culture and that we love to hang our iron curtains before. Indeed, things have change a lot now. I think the onslaught of the western culture is difficult to resist sometimes. I still think that our respective cultures could be quite adulterated already, but certainly we like to keep our values as pristine as possible, and so endearing to us for sure.

      Thank you Janet. I look forward to have more sharing with you.


  4. Mridula says:

    It was just another day, though I thought a lot about the next repetitive day, that none of won’t be here alive…I am not a pessimist, but surely an emotional creature……But loved your post

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The funny thing for me is that I turn 12 this year, not on 12-12-12 but still it is funny :).


  6. Maxim Sense says:

    Charity Grace: Hi sweetheart. You must be 20 years old now and a fine young lady. How’s your schooling, life, and family?


  7. Charity says:

    Wow I cannot believe you remembered this after almost 8 years! My schooling is going well, I’ve just been accepted into a nursing program! My family is good too, lots of ups and downs over the past 8 years but that’s how life goes haha.

    How has your life treated you since then?

    I was so surprised getting this notification haha, it is so sweet of you to remember this, thank you for lifting my spirits today!


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