Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

“From lines to patterns. We see lines and patterns in the world around us, in nature and things man-made. Sometimes we don’t realize they’re there: on the street, across the walls, up in the sky, and along the ground on which we walk.” – Cheri Lucas Rowlands

“Along the ground on which we walk”. I’ll have my take on this one.

No. On the ground on which I plant vegetables. It’s rainy season here and what better thing there is to do than indulge in my favorite hobby: GARDENING.

Here is my two-week old cucumber seedlings under the bamboo trelish. The bamboo trelish and strings used to connect the bamboo sticks together and stabilize the whole structure make lines and patterns which, I think, is perfect entry for this week’s photo challenge.

The bamboo trelish and strings are where these cucumbers will be trained to climb as they grow up. I can’t wait to see them bear fruits but that is still two months away before they start granting my wish.


The volleyball net that surrounds the garden plots and seedlings is the first line of defense against stray chicken who love to scratch the soil surface to forage for food. Sometimes, they are not careful enough to spare the seedlings from being uprooted or overturned. Still, the volleyball net is just another lines and patterns by itself.

garden (5)

Don’t you think two months from now the next photo challenge should be FRUITS? 🙂 How’s that Ms. Cheri Rowlands? I, for one, would love to see what fruits may be shared by each one of us coming from different parts of the world.

About Maxim Sense

I hope to write for a cause someday but for now all I wanted really is to write for a cost and I haven't started yet, or better still, nobody wants to pay me :-)
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6 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: From Lines to Patterns

  1. rupacoach says:

    Thanks for posting this, I liked “cucumbers will be trained to climb as they grow up”!


  2. Terry says:

    great thinking! I will be over at harvest time to help sample!!!


  3. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge crochet patterns | 2013 Weekly Photo Challenge Blog

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