Hero Teacher: One of Shooting Victims

Oh my God! How can such horrifying murders of innocent lives happen? Or what’s happening to the world now? And what’s happening to me? I always cry every time I read about stories of bare human heroism so profoundly exemplified.

I had cried twice this month – on December 12 and today (December 16). The former was because of Kathryn’s story that I had already posted, and the latter was because of Vicki Soto’s story. That bubbly young teacher from Sandy Hook Elementary School (Newtown, Connecticut) who gave her life trying to protect her first grade students from an assassin’s bullets will inspire me no end. Teacher Victoria Soto used her body to shield her students from the maniacal gunman, Adam Lanza, who launched a murderous rampage in that school.


sandy hook elem sch

I’m sorry that my story should focus on her, not that 20 grade students’ lives and 6 other adults’ were not as important, but her selfless and bare heroism and unqualified love for her students were so touching – heroism and selflessness that were SO life-changing and will forever ring in every soul in the civilized world.

What a remarkable woman and what a tragic loss for every American – indeed, the whole human race! She was the daughter, sister and friend everyone of us wants. I’ve never met her and only read about her, yet I feel the loss and pain. It was so painful to her relatives and friends. I don’t know what else to say. I will just cry with the family. Rest in peace, Miss Victoria Soto. The world will remember you for quite a long time.

As always, authorities would be interested in the motive and cause of this tragedy. May I remind them no one anywhere has come out closer to the clear and obvious cause of this tragedy than the shooter’s mother – who knew better than anyone on Earth her son was unstable and she owned the guns. The cause was her utter imprudence and she paid with her life for the tragic mistake.

But there again, a dead person tells no tales. She probably would have seen it all and taken her own life anyway.

About Maxim Sense

I hope to write for a cause someday but for now all I wanted really is to write for a cost and I haven't started yet, or better still, nobody wants to pay me :-)
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4 Responses to Hero Teacher: One of Shooting Victims

  1. Thank you for sharing. So much bad and so much good spilling over into one another. It’s the eternal human story isn’t it?

    I’m interested in what you say about Obama as a non re-electionist. Perhaps there is a chance this time for change.


    • maxim sense says:

      Yes Corrine. It’s the eternal human story, though not so much the one we’d love to read over and over again. The Obama administration really should show mettle and meat in this case. Thank you for dropping in and hope to see you here again.


  2. Miljo Anne says:

    Prayers for the victims! She is really a hero! My heart cries for the poor innocent children.


  3. maxim sense says:

    Indeed Miljo Anne. All of the victims are poor innocent wasted lives you would cry because they were not useless spilled milk.


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